ICCV 2021 SEAI Workshop

Jiafei Duan1, Samson Yu2, Cheston Tan3

1Nanyang Technological University of Singapore, 2Singapore University of Technology and Design, 3Institute of Infocomm Research

We introduced SPACE: A Simulator for Physical Interactions and Causal Learning in 3D Environments. The SPACE simulator allows us to generate the SPACE dataset, a synthetic video dataset in a 3D environment, to systematically evaluate physics-based models on a range of physical causal reasoning tasks. Inspired by daily object interactions, the SPACE dataset comprises videos depicting three types of physical events: containment, stability and contact. These events make up the vast majority of the basic physical interactions between objects. We then further evaluate it with a state-of-the-art physics-based deep model and show that the SPACE dataset improves the learning of intuitive physics with an approach inspired by curriculum learning.

title={SPACE: A Simulator for Physical Interactions and Causal Learning in 3D Environments},
author={Duan, Jiafei and Yu, Samson and Tan, Cheston},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision},